If you live in the Alliston or New Tecumseth area and require a inspection of your solid wood burning appliance, call the WET Inspector for Alliston
What is WETT?
Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. (WETT Inc.) is a non-profit training and education association managed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected by
holders of valid WETT certificates. Through its administrative designate, WETT Inc. functions as the national registrar of the WETT program. Through professional training and public education, WETT Inc. promotes the safe and effective use of wood burning systems in Canada.
In carrying out its mandate to promote increased safety and effectiveness, WETT Inc. maintains the Wood Energy Technical Training program (WETT).
The program is designed to:
- provide training to those who offer wood energy products and installation and maintenance services to the public and to those who conduct inspections of wood burning systems,
- confirm and recognize the knowledge and skills acquired through field experience, self-study and successful completion of WETT courses by issuing certificates of qualification,
- provide training to specialty audiences as the need and demand arises.
Why should I use a WETT certified technician?
To have the full assurance that your wood-burning appliance is installed safely and in accordance with building and fire code requirements. Safety is paramount, and wood-burning appliances are manufactured to work safely and efficiently when they are installed, used and maintained properly.
What is a WETT inspection?
An inspection by a WETT certified technician of a wood burning system to determine compliance with existing codes.
Why do I need a WETT Inspection?
A WETT inspection for your wood burning appliance in your home is important for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the safety of you and your family. With any solid fuel burning appliance, the potential for harmful pollutants to be released into your home as well as combustible materials to ignite is increased, so it is important that these appliances are regularly inspected and properly maintained. If you have a home that has a wood burning appliance, or you would like to purchase one and have it installed in your home, having a WETT certified inspector or technician involved is a necessity.
If purchasing an older home that includes a wood-burning appliances, a WETT inspection is typically required before an insurance company will issue an insurance policy. Cottages often include solid wood-burning appliances, and many times the installation of these appliances is not in accordance with Ontario Building Code or CSA Standards. An inspection will tell you whether or not these appliances are operating safely, are in good structural condition, and meet applicable standards.
WETT is a training organization. As such, WETT trains people involved with the sale, installation, inspection and maintenance of wood heating appliances. Once people complete the prescribed training program and acquire the required experience, they become WETT certified in the specific area for their area of training. WETT certification indicates they have met the educational and experience requirements.
Site Basic Inspection
We do not inspect the interior of the chimney. If you require the interior of a chimney to be inspected, you will need to contact a WETT certified “Chimney Sweep” who will first clean the chimney and then inspect it with video equipment if required.
The first thing you should check when searching for a home, is if there is a wood/pellet/fireplace insert in the home. If there is, check the back of the stove to see if there is a certification plate permanently fixed to the appliance. It should list what organization certified the appliance, its model and serial number along with minimum clearances required to combustibles. If there is no plate attached to the stove, the stove has to be considered as a non-certified stove and the distances from walls and combustible material is greater. This means the appliance will take up a lot more space in your room than a certified appliance. The minimum clearances for a un-certified wood stove is 48 inches to nearest combustible surfaces.
As a WETT certified inspector I will inspect the appliance to ensure it meets today’s safety standards and codes set out by WETT INC, which are based on the Ontario Building Codes and CSA standards, and the safety testing laboratories requirements during the inspection process.
Check with your insurance company to determine if they have their own forms they would like filled out on their behalf. Some insurance companies do require this. If not, I will include my findings within the WETT inspection report and will email you a copy.
If you would like to book your appointment for a stand alone wood appliance inspection advise me when you would like to make the appointment and provide any details you have about your wood appliance such as; Is it certified? Is it an EPA wood stove? Do you have the manual? Do you know the make and model number?
Pellet Stove Installation Guide
Wood Burning Appliance Information
Reducing Clearances to Combustibles