Barrie WETT Inspector 705.795.8255
WETT INFORMATION Learn about WETT Inspections for your wood burning appliance. Wood Stoves, Fireplaces and Pellet Stoves. One convent location that can answer all your questions about what is required for a Certified WETT Inspection. More Information

A Listed Wood Burning Appliance has been tested by an Accredited Testing Laboratory which can be identified by Label which is attached to appliance. This identifies What Agency did the test and the Standard the Appliance was tested to.
The manufactures label also lists the required distances to combustible products that must be maintained.

Choosing the right level of inspection is important for you and your safety. A level 1 inspection is all most people require for Insurance or for local Building Departments.
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Typical list of items inspected during a Certified WETT Inspection. Items will vary depending on the type of Wood Burning appliance you have. Many items on a Level 1 WETT inspection would not be inspected as they would not be accessible to the inspector.
Only a multiple visit WETT Inspection would be able to capture all areas of construction of a Fireplace for instance. The municipalities Building Inspector would be present for all aspects such as Foundation and Clearances which would not be accessible after Fireplace was constructed.
Fireplace Construction – Information about common deficiencies and requirements according to the Ontario Building Code
Areas Serviced – WETT Inspections in Simcoe County and Cottage Area