WETT Inspections for Barrie | Orillia | Midland | Alliston

Certified WETT Inspections for Wood Stoves, Fireplaces, Pellet Stoves and Boilers

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Prepare for your WETT Inspection

Depending on the type of wood burning appliance you have will determine what you can do to perpare for your upcoming WETT Inspection.  There are a number of key items that may or maynot apply to your particular installation.  It is recommended that you concentrate on installation requirements related to your particulare appliance.  This article is just a general list of common items that often fail to comply to the WETT Inspection requirements.  If you require more detailed information; call Roger Frost at 705-795-8255 or Email Roger with your questions.

Is your Appliance Certified ?

Your wood stove, pellet stove, wood burning furnace or fireplace insert will have a label identifying which accredited laboratory tested your appliance and will list the required installation requirements. Some common listingAppliance Certification Label agencies are CSA, OTL, Underwriters Laboratory (ULC), Warnock Hersey, and OMNI testing Laboratories.  If your appliance has no label then it is deemed uncertified.  Most uncertified appliances will not work well in most home settings as the minimum distances to combustible products is 48 inches in every direction.   ( some insurance companies will not insure a home with an uncertifed appliance )  Call them first and possibly save your money.

The picture at the right is a Warnock Hersery Listing label.  It contains ULC listing, Model #, Serial # and distances required to combustibles.  Label can also list required floor protection, which can vary from stove to stove.

Also in the distance to combustibles is usually 2 dimensions, one for single wall flue pipe and another for double wall flue pipe clearances.

Do a Visual Inspection

These lists are not extensive or technically detailed, they are just basic items or defects that are found during many WETT Certified Inspections.  ( call for more detailed information or compliance requirements  705-795-8255 )

Wood Stove Inspection

  • Check the firebox for cracked firebricks, replace any cracked firebricks to keep the firebox in good shape and prevent overheating which can warp steel, crack welds and turn your woodstove into a pile of scrap metal.
  • Ensure flue pipes are properly secured with three screws per pipe connection or equivalent pipe clamps installed as per mfg. specs. Ensure the pipe fittings are oriented correctly and the pipe is also sloped correctly.
  • Check the damper operation, door gasket for deterioration and the door glass for cracking.
  • Ensure any heat shielding is secured and in good condition.
  • Keep wood storage and combustible materials at least 4 feet away from the wood stove in all directions at ALL times.

Fireplace Inspection

  • Check the firebox for cracked firebricks or lining material. Replace any cracked firebricks to keep the firebox in good shape and prevent overheating which can warp steel components and turn the unit into scrap.
  • Check the operation of the damper. Quite often dampers are seized or broken which can lead to unsafe or poor operating conditions.Creosote-Build-Up-in-Chimney
  • For masonry chimneys, replace any deteriorated or spalling masonry and caulk flashings as needed.
  • Ensure rain caps are present to prevent water leakage inside chimneys and their liners.
  • Clean the unit so a proper inspection can be performed.

Floor Protection

For ember protection, you need to have continuous, non-combustible flooring under your wood stove, extending 8” beyond it at the rear and sides and extending 18” in front of the
wood loading door. When I say “continuous” means there are no cracks where embers could drop down to combustible material. 

Storing Your Ashes

Although not included in your WETT Certified Inspection many times we are asked to complete an Insurance Information Sheet which does ask where and  how your store your appliances  ashes.  Read Recommendations.

Ashes from your fireplace, wood stove or outdoor fire pit should only be emptied and stored in a metal container with a tight fitting lid and an insulated bottom, then placed on a non-combustible surface. If the ashes must be stored for any time, make sure that container is a safe distance – at least 10 feet away – from nearby combustibles including the walls of your home; never store ashes on your deck or in your garage.  If you’re scattering or dumping them outdoors, then make sure it’s not a windy day and that you wet them first.

Note:  If you are moving into a new home where you do not know the history of your wood burning appliance then we always recommend you have your chimney cleaned to expose any hidden damage that maybe hidden due to creosote build up.

Roger Frost provides WETT Certified Inspections to Barrie, Angus, Alliston, Orillia, Midland and Innisfil.  Wett # 6899

Call today !  for information or to book a WETT Inspection  705-795-8255

Got Questions ?  Call 705-795-8255 or Email Roger