Fireplace Construction and Safety Ensuring your Fireplace meets or exceeds requirements of Ontario Building Code and CSA Standard B365-10 is the first step in enjoying the benefits of a wood burning fireplace without jeopardizing you and your families safety. Having a...
WETT Certified Inspections for Barrie | Alliston | Orillia We also cover most of Simcoe County area for WETT Certified Inspections. We provide Certified WETT Inspections to the following areas: Angus, Alliston, Barrie, Bond Head, Loretto, Collingwood, Elmvale, Oro...
Wood Stove Installation Tips for Home Owners The Barrie WETT Inspector shares information and knowledge so that home owners can save money and have safer installations. Choosing your Wood Stove Wood stoves typically come in three sizes, small, medium and large. A...
Solid fuel refers to various types of solid material that are used as fuel to produce energy and provide heating,oih sually released through combustion.Solid fuels include wood (see wood fuel), charcoal, peat, coal, Hexamine fuel tablets, and pellets made from wood...
WETT Inspector for Barrie, Orillia & Alliston A level 1 WETT (Wood Energy Transfer Technology) Inspection is a visual check of wood burning stoves & fireplace installations against relevant standards and codes. Most insurance companies will require inspection...